The FUF was a fantastic place to take the family and we need to go again soon, both when its not raining, and no one in the family has a potty accident! Hard to believe that my almost 8 year old still has potty accidents. Just goes to show how unfocused and little attention span she has unfortunately. The FUF has a bamboo forest (that's where to accident happened) which is one of the most beautiful places I have been to in a long time. I must take my camera with me next time I go, make sure both kids have gone potty and lather butt ton of OFF! on my legs!
--> speaking off, did I mention how much I'm ITCHING!!! <--
Anywho, I'm going to let this be enough for the time being. Big Brother is on, my bottle of Sam Adams Summer Ale is open and I need to focus on something else than my bites.